1.1 The following statement of terms and conditions is called "Agreement" together with the specification of services on the previous page.
1.2. "Client" is the organization or person that contracts the services of the Provider.
1.3. "Specification of services" is a document that describes what will be provided by the Provider. 1.4. “Supplier / Cowork Café” is María Diana Chamorro Jasso, DNI / NIF 29129486D and who holds the position of manager and manager of “Cowork Café”, a coworking space located at premises 21, 22 and 23 in the Tago Mago building, in Plaza Constitución, number 6, in Los Llanos de Aridane, on the island of La Palma.
2.1. These Terms and Conditions will be applied to all contracts of the provider's service offer for the client.
2.2. Before beginning the provision of the service, the provider must send the client the service specifications that specify the services to be provided and the rates to be paid for these services. The customer must notify the provider immediately if he does not agree with the specifications of the service. All service specifications are subject to these Terms and Conditions.
2.3. The beginning of the provision of the service will take place from the date indicated in the specification of services and will continue indefinitely if not notified otherwise by any of the parties with the advance specified in the specific agreement signed. When the notification is made after the indicated date, the provider reserves the right to invoice and collect. 2.4. The provider will try by all reasonable means to comply with the agreed services within the estimated timeframes.
Fees and payment
3.1 The fees to be charged for the provision of services are described in the specification of services. The provider will invoice the memberships (rental of positions, multipurpose rooms and cafeteria service) at the beginning of each month, and the additional services in the invoice of the following month.
For example, a person who has an office in December and rents meeting rooms will receive an invoice on December 1 for the office rental, and an invoice on January 1 with the cost of the meeting rooms, if not paid by advance.
3.2. The invoiced amount must be paid within 3 days of receipt of the invoice. The provider has the right to charge interest for unpaid invoices from the day the payment was due until it is effective.
Obligations of the client
4.1. To allow the provider to perform its obligations under this agreement, the client must:
4.1.1. Cooperate with the supplier;
4.1.2. Provide the provider with any reasonable information required by the provider;
4.1.3. Obtain all necessary permits and consents before the start of services; and 4.1.4. Comply with the requirements indicated in the specification of services or agreed by the parties in any way.
4.2. The customer is responsible for compensating the supplier for any supplier expenses derived from non-compliance with point 4.1. By the client.
4.3. If the client terminates or cancels the additional services without prior notification, the provider will be entitled to payment for the services contracted during this period, considered as damages and not as a penalty. The customer agrees that this is a genuine estimate of the supplier's losses. Failure to comply with the obligations of clause 4.1. It is considered a cancellation of the service and is subject to the payment of the damages specified in the clause.
4.4. If the customer or any other third party, other than a sub-contract of the supplier, omits or commits any act that prevents or delays the supplier's obligations indicated in this agreement, the supplier shall notify the customer immediately and:
4.4.1. the supplier is not responsible for delays in the completion of any project;
4.4.3. the supplier shall notify the customer at the same time if the supplier wishes to charge for any additional charges.
Service specification alterations
5.1. Both parties can at any time agree and execute new service specifications. Any alteration in the scope of the services of this agreement must be indicated in the service specifications, which must reflect the change in service and the rate or any other point agreed by the parties.
5.2. The client can request alterations to the specification of the service by notifying the provider in writing. When the provider receives a request for alteration of the service, it will inform the client in writing of the effect of these alterations in the rates and any other term previously agreed, if any change is necessary.
5.3. When the supplier notifies the client in writing of any alteration of the terms, the client must inform the supplier whether or not he wishes to proceed with the alterations.
5.4. When the provider notifies the client in writing agreeing to the alterations to the agreement, and the client confirms in writing that they wish to proceed, the service specifications are modified to reflect said alterations, and from that moment the provider will comply with the modified agreement.
5.5. The provider will maintain at all times the right of admission and continuity over the requesting or affiliated clients in this agreement. This right allows you to accept or reject any client of the agreement and in any temporary phase of the agreement.
6.1. The provider guarantees that the services provided under this agreement will be performed using reasonable skill and care, and in accordance with the quality generally accepted in practice and industry standards.
6.2. All guarantees not established in point 6.1. are excluded.
Indemnification .
7.1 Notwithstanding the compensation that may be included in other sections of these terms and conditions, the client must indemnify the supplier for claims, costs and expenses that the supplier must incur and that derive directly or indirectly from the breach of this agreement. by the customer.
Safety and responsibility
8.1 "Supplier / Cowork Café" will ensure the security of the establishment. The CLIENT declares to be in agreement with the security system of the property and to submit to it to guarantee the security of the space with their conduct.
8.2. "Supplier / Cowork Café" makes a security system available to the client. That said, it cannot guarantee 100% the security of all the CLIENT's private assets that are inside the building, since this is a space open to the public.
8.3. If the CLIENT wants to establish its own security system to guarantee the security of its assets, it must coordinate it with the security system of "Supplier / Cowork Café" and must request their express authorization to implement it. " Supplier / Cowork Café ”has, within the space, work areas with a certain level of access restriction and common areas for work or other activities, such as cafeteria or events, with open access to the public. In these areas open to the public, an individual responsibility of all people towards their property is required.
9.1. Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of information of a confidential nature, including trade secrets and valuable business information. This information will not be used for your own benefit or without your prior written consent. This confidentiality agreement does not apply to information in the public domain or known to the party at the time of disclosure or information that is later in the public domain unless this is the result of a breach of this agreement.
9.2. This clause remains in effect after the term of this agreement.
The provider and the client can each separately terminate this agreement at any time by notifying them in writing and giving the other party a notice of one calendar month in advance of the renewal of the contract in the fixed and flexible monthly rates. The term will take effect immediately in the case of highly inappropriate behavior.
Overwhelming force
Neither party will be liable for delay or inability to perform any of its obligations if these arise from events or circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the parties, including but not limited to acts of strikes, accidents, war, fire, action or omission. of the government, authorities or telecommunications service providers, operators or administrators, or due to failures in the manufacture, production, or provision of equipment or services by third parties.
Independent contractual parties
The provider and the client are independent and neither has the authority to bind the other with respect to a third party, or actual as the representative of the other, unless a written agreement exists between the two parties. The supplier may use, in addition to its own employees, a subcontractor to provide all or part of the services provided to the customer. These commitments do not release the supplier from its obligations under this agreement.
The client cannot delegate their rights or obligations to another person without the prior consent of the provider. In the case of a multi-user service specification, the names listed in the service will only be to whom this agreement applies.
If any part of this agreement is declared invalid, illegal or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, that part will be deleted and the rest of the terms and conditions will continue to be in effect as if this agreement had been accepted without the deleted part. .
The non-compliance of any of the parties at any time or during a period does not mean that the agreement ceases to be valid.
Any notification made by any of the parties can be made in writing by email, in person or by post.
Entire agreement
This is the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior agreement, oral or written. This agreement can only be changed by a document signed by both parties.
No third parties
This agreement does not contemplate third parties.
Legal jurisdiction
The parties, renouncing the jurisdiction that may apply, submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Los Llanos (Santa Cruz de Tenerife).
In compliance with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), you are informed that the data you provide in this form will be incorporated into our database and will be fully treated confidential and according to all the security measures established by the Law, in order to avoid unauthorized access and treatment. By hiring a service with "Cowork Café", you are accepting the Terms and Conditions of "Cowork Café".
To guarantee the proper functioning of the enclosure, normal coexistence and respect for people and facilities, the standards referred to here will be mandatory for Coworking users, so that their acceptance is an essential requirement for the use of the facilities. .
No user will be allowed to enter outside the established hours.
At Coworking we appeal to common sense: Be kind and respectful to your colleagues, we do not tolerate unprofessional or malicious behavior.
Respect others and their differences. Keep in mind that in Coworking we form a group, a Community, and we expect people with very different profiles.
Respect the space and leave it as you find it.
Access will not be allowed to any user who does not respect the conventional rules of personal hygiene.
The use of a mask and hydroalcoholic gel is mandatory in all common spaces.
It is mandatory to clean with the disinfectant and cloth the common areas that have been touched outside the tables and assigned areas.
Coworkers who enjoy a permanent or permanent job will be in charge of cleaning their position, drawers or closet.
External visitors must be identified at the reception desk in the candy store and will not interfere or interrupt the work of the rest of the users of the coworking areas, therefore using common spaces or places enabled for this purpose.
Users will be responsible for any damage caused to coworking in its furniture and facilities caused by misuse or irresponsible use of it.
The cleaning of the coworking space will be the responsibility of the Coworking, but the users will be required to behave correctly, especially respecting the Covid-19 regulations.
If you have a work table permanently, you have a locker to store whatever you want, try not to leave food inside.
Coworking is not responsible for the personal belongings of users.
Although it is obvious, the activity that takes place in the workplace must be legal.
All coworkers will make a responsible and respectful use of the facilities. The use of kitchen utensils (glasses, cups, plates, microwave, etc.) entails cleaning and placing them once used. Likewise, a respectful use of the bathroom will be carried out in order to keep it in optimal hygienic conditions.
The only accepted means to listen to music or other sound within the coworking area will be headphones, in order not to disturb other users.
In order to respect the work area of other users, shouting or speaking loudly within the coworking room is prohibited.
You can only use your phone in vibration mode, and if you receive any type of call within the work area, it will be understood that you will go to the office to attend to it.
The food area will be the Office area, the tables or work room will not be used to eat.
Pets are not allowed (except guide dogs).
Inside you can not smoke, if you go out, do not throw the cigarette butts on the floor.
Although coworking is not an extreme sport, we have a first-aid kit in case something happens to you.
The right of admission is reserved if there are signs of drunkenness, violent attitude, inappropriate or offensive clothing.
In the event of a dispute or difference between two or more coworkers, a Coworking manager will act as arbitrator and mediator in the dispute, and all the coworkers involved agree to accept their decision, the coworker who does not accept the decision taken may be expelled from the coworking without the right to appeal the decision and without compensation of any kind.